Home Invader Shot By Homeowner Because He Wasn’t Quiet Enough


LOGAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY — An unknown man attempted to enter a home around 1:00 a.m., waking up the homeowner in the process, and ultimately being shot by that homeowner.

Police arrived to a home on Deerlick Road where they meet and interviewed two people. These people were identified as the homeowner and his girlfriend.

They had been asleep in their bed around 1:00 am when the homeowner heard a noise. The homeowner went to investigate the noise while holding his firearm. He noticed someone was attempting to force entry into his home. He fired a single shot at the intruder, who then retreated from the home.

The intruder was accepted into a local hospital for a gunshot wound to the abdomen. The intruder was transfered to a Trauma center in Nashville for treatment of the wound. The investigation is still ongoing and criminal charges are pending for the home invader.

About the Author

Donovan is an Army veteran and a firearms enthusiasts and staunch 2A supporter.

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